Does Google Adwords Impact Organic SEO Rankings?

Most of the offline businesses often wonder whether using Google Adwords affect SEO or not. Since last month, I have had 4 emails asking less or more the same question. Their question was –

Does Google Adwords Impact Organic SEO Rankings?

To make it easier for me as well as future clients, I have decided I will create this post and share it with all my clients and future clients.

Does Google Give Preferential Treatment For Adwords Advertisers?

What is your take? Do you think Google is biased and gives preferential treatment in terms of organic rankings to the websites that employ Adwords? The simple answer is NO.

Participating in Adwords doesn’t directly affect your organic SEO rankings and your SEO rankings would never directly impact your Adwords campaign. Adwords and SEO are two different methods of advertising and there is no correlation research showing any direct relation between them.

Having said that, Adwords can be used for improving your SEO ROI indirectly. Here is how you can do it –

Using Adwords For Improving Your SEO ROI

Like any other advertising campaign, SEO boils down to ROI. Keyword selection is a crucial process in ensuring proper SEO ROI. Using the right buyer keywords would ensure that you get a proper return on your investment.

Ranking for a keyword can often take months; sometimes, a year or more. Discovering that a keyword fails to deliver results as was expected, after a year of waiting, would cost you dearly. This is where you can use Adwords. By testing keywords with Adwords for their conversion potential and commercial value, you can build a list of good keywords that would surely provide good ROI once your website is ranked for these keywords.

Advertising on Adwords is going to cost you for sure. But this extra cost would ensure that your time is not wasted. Time is precious!

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