Using Customer Feedback As User-Generated Content In SEO

We have already covered how user feedback can help improve ROI of a SEO campaign. If you haven’t already read that post, I would recommend that you read it now (read the post here – Using User Feedback To Improve SEO ROI). The idea promoted by the post was to collect as much feedback from your visitors as possible. The post also emphasized to provide a fair opportunity for your website visitors to send you a feedback at any stage of their visit. This feedback was then to be used for improving visitors’...

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Common SEO Mistakes – Errors To Avoid

More than often, we come across webmasters who have been employing wrong SEO techniques…unknowingly. It is also common to find webmasters who are ignoring some important SEO elements for the lack of knowledge. With so much going on in the SEO industry, it is crucial that we have a list that can be used as a reference by webmasters. This is an attempt to list some of the most common SEO mistakes people are making. We shall update the post regularly and make sure that we cover all the new SEO mistakes we see are being...

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Landing Page: 12 Tips To Minimize Errors And Improve Conversion Ratio

o there is nothing wrong with your SEO campaign and the traffic you are getting. It is just that your landing page sucks! More than often, I come across landing pages that are not carefully crafted. As such, they cause great loss to their conversion potential. I have helped several clients fix their landing page for a better conversion ratio and securing better ROI. In most cases, the mistakes were obvious issues that anyone could easily identify. To make it easier for everyone looking to develop or modify a landing,...

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SEO 5S: Japanese Management Principles For Effective SEO

5S is a Japanese tradition of workplace/household management. It is a list of five Japanese words – seiri, seiton, seiso, seiketsu, and shitsuke. When transliterated in English, they all begin with a ‘S’ and hence they are termed as 5S. I had always known these principles but I never paid much attention to it until a few days ago. While I was at a local store, I saw a poster highlighting the 5S principle of management and I found that the principles hold true even in our search engine optimizaton projects....

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Local Business SEO: Target Right Audience For A Better ROI

ost of the businesses these days are unable to get promised ROI on their search engine optimization campaign. A part of the reason is they are unable to target the right audience effectively. While setting-up a SEO campaign, it is always crucial that we pick out the keyword phrases that can bring in the most targeted and relevant traffic which would convert and provide ROI. In order to secure relevant traffic that would be interested in your product or services, here are few simple tips and tools you can use. Optimize...

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Using ‘User Feedback’ To Improve Your SEO Campaign’s ROI

Like any other marketing campaign, the goal of a SEO campaign is to provide good ROI. While obviously keyword selection and proper implementation of SEO techniques is crucial for SEO success, the ROI depends on how you capitalize the SEO traffic. An important tool for improving your ROI is ‘user feedback’. What Is ‘User Feedback’? has the most appropriate and educating definition where it mentions that a ‘user feedback’ is – A specific type of user-generated content: that created as a response to...

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